Earth Day Every Day!

Happy Earth Week! 

As a creamery with two brick and mortar shops we chose to focus on contributing to a strong local economy. Purchasing a high percentage of local ingredients means that our dollars are reinvested in sustaining agriculture. Furthermore each ingredient has less miles to travel, both reducing fuel consumption AND tasting better! Working with local producers of dairy, herbs, fruit, and honey allows us to build relationships that go beyond a simple transaction, deepening the connection between farm, scoop, and customer. 

We are always working toward becoming more earth-friendly and are inspired by other local businesses who are leading the charge toward a more sustainable future. Some that we are quite fond of are Remark Glass, Merzbachers Bakery, and Bennett Compost.

Remark Glass has repurposed over 70,000 lbs of post-consumer glass since its founding in 2016. They create beautiful home goods in a zero waste facility, and have even expanded their impact by creating the glass recovery non-profit @bottleunderground.   

We’ve know Pete Merzbacher since we were both fledgling business owners in 2012. It has been thrilling to watch his bakery grow from rented time in the back of a West Philly pizzeria to a 5000 sq. ft. bakery in Wayne Junction. Pete inspires us because his business model is founded on high-quality artisan bread that is accessible to many and prioritizes the use of locally milled grains. Merzbacher’s provides nourishment to the body, the community, and the local economy!

Bennett Compost is another business that has grown a great deal in the past ten years and Philadelphia is a better city as a result. Their goal is simple, “to make composting easy and accessible”. In addition to diverting organic waste from landfills, they also produce high quality soil - and they deliver!

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